Saturday, September 13, 2008

Judy Paul Fab Work!

Hey All,
I've very happy to have some of Judy Paul's fabulous work on the the site!
check it out NOW!.

On another note you may (or may not) have noticed that the navigation on the left side of the home page isn't linking correctly. I'm working on it but may have to call in the big programmer guns to fix it. Never buy a computer, It will ruin your life. Trust me..... Hopefully all these bugs and problem will be fixed when the entire site is redesigned. Actually I have the design part done, it's just the development bit that needs to happen next.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Jann Alexander

Hello All,
I'm very happy to have Jann Alexander's work on the site. (they should be up soon that is). Cool photos of old Austin landmarks that are passing into history as we speak. You can check out her site at .

Thursday, September 4, 2008

metal work

Hey All,
It's been a long while since posting.... oh well.
In the mean time I've been doing some metal sculpture... Here is a piece I call "Nest".
