Monday, December 1, 2008

Vanishing Austin!

Hey All,
Check out work from Jann Alexander's Vanishing Austin series. It's VERY cool and it reminds me of the old Austin days. I moved to Austin in the 1980's and there are times that I don't recognize my city anymore. sigh.....

anyway, there is no crying in art! So go to now damnnit!!! ha

1 comment:

  1. is it okay for the artiste herself to comment??

    thanks for featuring this, it looks way cool. come by my booth this Saturday-Sunday Dec 6-7 at the Holiday Art Festival at Laguna Gloria (hours are 10-5) if you have a chance and we'll relive the old days in Austin (when I didn't actually live here, but oh well)--thanks for the great post! Jann


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