Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I was thinking of doing a series of portraits of famous people. So I started with the Dalai Lama. And here he is!!
I've been thinking of happiness recently, with the economic downturn and all, and I have come to the conclusion that I am not my work. For many years my happiness seemed to depend on how many projects I had going and how much money I was making. This is a hard thing to maintain year after year through good and bad times and eventually becomes a boat anchor around our necks. I think it is important to shift with the times and not let the boat anchor keeps us mired in the mud of the past. When I get down because all my marketing efforts come to naught, I try to remember that I am alive and healthy (sort of) and there is much beauty in the world. I just finished a book called 2666 by Roberto Bolano. A brilliant book indeed and it made me happy that there is such skilled art of staggering beauty that I have access to. Is that not a gift? I once was taking a print making class in Florence and in the class was a woman who created very beautiful prints. She would say out loud that everything was a gift. When she created a brilliant piece it was a gift, when the piece was a disaster she would laugh and say it was a gift. When the attendant failed to show up one day to unlock the studio she said it was a gift and now she could go shopping! I had never seen such happiness and it rubbed off on the rest of the class. Our quality of work soared with the positive energy. Now I don't particularly think of myself as a positive happy person who spreads joy, but I feel something shifting in the world for the better. I hold on to that and look for the gifts that come from inside and outside my work.



  1. Hi Larry!
    Don't worry, be happy!

    Paal (Norway)

  2. This is great! The Dalai Lama looks totally at peace dude!


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